Thursday, December 2, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Newsflash!  We live in Buffalo.  It snows here.  Every year we seem to forget.  Why? 

Just like every other year we will shovel.  We will finish shoveling and the plow will snow us in again.  We will get stuck.  We will get annoyed.  People will drive slowly.  Big trucks and SUV’s will speed by those who are driving slowly.  Some people will slip and fall.  There will be snow days.  Sorry moms.  Basements will flood.  Or, my basement will flood, again. Children will eat yellow snow thinking they are about to try frozen lemonade.  They will realize it’s not.  Angry people will complain how cold it is.  If they put on the proper snow gear they wouldn’t be angry.  It happens every year.  The first major snow always seems to be a shock. 

Alas, the snow will melt. 

And the snow will fall again.  It will snow for about five more months.  It’s December for crying out loud.  At least we got this far without it.

Think of the positives.  Snow makes for snowmen, sitting by a fireplace, skiing and snowboarding, snow angels, White Christmases, hot chocolate, flannel sheets, and catching snowflakes on your tongue. 

Enough with the "Bah Humbugs!"  Embrace the snow.  Put on your snow gear and go jump in it.  I bet you won't be able to do it without smiling.

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

1 comment:

  1. I'm grateful for a day off of work that I am not sick, and it can't count against me!!!! Love to spend time with my little man.


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